Tag Archives: newversion

TVA20 Build 2.1.13 is available

Finally an updated release of TVA20 is available. This is a bugfix release with some new features.

  • Tip of the Day startup bug finally fixed…
  • New quicksearch toolbar
  • Improved program list display for searches and channels with a large number of programs
  • Improved download format for quicker updates
  • Program description as optional list column
  • Improved Windows 7 compatibility

Download and enjoy!

TVA20 Build 2.1.12 is available

Version 2.1.12 of TVA20 is now available from the download page. This is a critical update, a serious bug limiting the number of total channels available is fixed. In addition some new features and bugfixes are in place. The changes are summarized below.

  • Online profile support. You may store your settings profile online and download to different computers, a neat way to keep TVA consistent between whereever you may use it.
  • New nice MSN-style alerts
  • Critical channel list bug fixed
  • Improved Vista compatibility
  • More channels will be available shortly; 109 all in all now… 🙂

Download and enjoy!

TVA20 Build 2.1.11 is available

Version 2.1.11 of TVA20 is now available from the download page. This is a small update, fixing some minor, but annoying bugs. The changes are summarized below.

  • Fixed minimized startup bug and yet another version checking bug.
  • Fixed rare resource leak bug on failing updates
  • Fixed autosearch term bug: single word term enclosed in quotes would mess up the logic
  • Better window state across TVA restarts. Pane sizes are retained.
  • Improved GUI functionality for silent updates, i.e. updates without the progress dialog.
  • We’ve also added some more channels. 88 now, all in all.

And also, we now accept project donations through PayPal… 😉

Download and Enjoy!