Tag Archives: channels

More channels!

Finally the new TV-Guide parser system is in place. This means more channels and better, more consistent program information. (Hopefully!)

As of now the database contains program information for 82 (eighty-two) TV and Radio channels. All recent channels requests have been taken into account, and are included in the channel selection. (There, is pays to ask for channels and features… 😉

Please note that some channels have been renamed for compatibility reasons. Some users may have to recheck their channel selection to get alle the channels they used to have. On second thought, everyone should check the new channel selection out! 🙂

And as always, please report program anomalies, bad data and other bugs.


Showtime is available!

Program data for the entertainment channel Showtime is now available. Update your channel selection under preferences to include Showtime in your TVA tv-guide.

Showtime data is being fetch with the new parser system. It is running as pilot to test the new parser; do send bugs or anomalies regarding the content if you encounter any… 🙂

Channels changed

As a result of some fairly old name changes, the channel list has been updated. TV2 Xtra and Viasat Sport 1 have changed names to TV2 Zebra and SportN respectively. User may have to edit their channel selection to fetch data for the two “new” channels.

A new channel data parsing system is also in the making. I will make it easier to include new channels per request. The first pilot channel to be added, and to get data from the new parser is Showtime, by popular request. Stay tuned!