Author Archives: Lars Christian

TVA20 Build 2.1.13 is available

Finally an updated release of TVA20 is available. This is a bugfix release with some new features.

  • Tip of the Day startup bug finally fixed…
  • New quicksearch toolbar
  • Improved program list display for searches and channels with a large number of programs
  • Improved download format for quicker updates
  • Program description as optional list column
  • Improved Windows 7 compatibility

Download and enjoy!

New feature: Online profiles

One of the new and anticipated features og TVA 2.1.12 is the ability to store your settings online and access it from different computers. Your profile consist of your channel selection, all your current alerts and the configuration for your automatic searches. In addition, it can be configures to include most of your preference settings excluding some system/location dependent of course…

The online profile feature is still quite experimental. By time the syncronization is intended to be completely automatic, but so far uploading and downloading of profiles is a manual operation.

Get started

First of all you need to register yourself with a username and a password. Your profile is attached to these credentials. Open the Preferences dialog and find the Profile Settings tab. Enter a desired username and a password. These credentials are used to download your profile on other computers later on. If you choose a username that already exist, you will be notified.

In use

To save and upload your profile press Ctrl+Shift+U. This will upload your settings to the online server. To download and load your profile on another computer, configure the profile system with your credentials as described above, and then press Ctrl+Shift+D.

At the time this is a manual process, so be carefull not to overwrite your profile with an empty one when configuring TVA on an new computer, i.e. uploading a “blank” one instead og downloading the previously saved one.

Since this currently is an experimental feature, please report any bugs or anomalies you may encounter.

TVA20 Build 2.1.12 is available

Version 2.1.12 of TVA20 is now available from the download page. This is a critical update, a serious bug limiting the number of total channels available is fixed. In addition some new features and bugfixes are in place. The changes are summarized below.

  • Online profile support. You may store your settings profile online and download to different computers, a neat way to keep TVA consistent between whereever you may use it.
  • New nice MSN-style alerts
  • Critical channel list bug fixed
  • Improved Vista compatibility
  • More channels will be available shortly; 109 all in all now… 🙂

Download and enjoy!